Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for RSVPing to the (1st annual?!) CAKE PICNIC on Saturday, April 27th! I’m so excited to get together, meet new friends, marvel at all the cake, and have an absolute sweet feast. As of writing this note, we have 346 RSVPs. Who blew this up?!? In my dreams this was a cute 15-20 person picnic where we form a circle with our cakes and take turns introducing ourselves and what cake we brought. But now it’s Cakechella (™ pending haha). To help us best prepare, please read below for more details.

Again, looking forward to this! Thank you for all of the excitement, joy, and shared love for cake. I’m excited to meet and hang out with everyone. It’ll be such a momentous sweet feast and I’m honored to do this with you. Major shout out to Alexandra from Earth & Events, Hotplate team for sponsoring the cake boxes, and the volunteer crew that’ll help make this event come together.

If you can no longer make the event, please update your RSVP so we can prepare accordingly. We’ll catch you at the next one.

Let’s eat cake!

Elisa and Alex


I’ve never done this before. I’m assuming you haven’t either. I’m not sure how many of the ~350 will actually show up either. We might need to shift, re-arrange, move, change, etc. I don’t know exactly. We’ll see how it goes. Let’s expect some level of chaos and need for flexibility, patience, grace, and kindness towards everyone at the event. Be kind.


Are you ready to have the cake event of a lifetime? I hope you’re as excited as I am. Alex of Earth & Events will be helping us organize the cakes for display. We’re leaning into an Alice in Wonderland theme. If you want to decorate your cakes with that theme in mind, please go for it! Totally optional. Any and all (whole) cakes are welcome!


New location! We’re going to be hosting this event at Potrero del Sol in San Francisco (2827 Cesar Chavez St, San Francisco, CA 94110). I’ve booked the picnic area by the stage. We will be setting up our cakes station there. Please be prepared to arrive early and on time as the drop-off window for cakes is pretty tight. Parking in the area will also be limited so please consider taking public transport or carpooling together. If you arrive late, totally fine - you’ll likely just miss the photo with all the cakes before they are cut.


I will try to follow this schedule as closely as possible but depending on flow/traffic/arrivals, there will be some slight changes real-time, as needed.

  • 2PM: Everyone arrives and registers to enter the event. Find a volunteer and show your whole cake and completed registration form to a volunteer who will hand you a name tag, label to fill in for your cake, and a pastry box to take cake slices home. Once you’ve picked up your materials, please wear your name tag and label your cake. (Note: if you do not bring a full cake, you will not receive any of these materials and can not attend this event).

  • 2-2:30PM: Drop off your labeled cake at the designated location and put your cake knife next to it. After you’ve dropped your cake off, mingle and meet other attendees.

  • 2:30-2:45PM: Pictures and videos! Now that we have all of the whole cakes together, let’s take photos of the entire spread. Let’s also plan to take a group photo together (someone remind me if I forget!).

  • 2:45-3:45PM: Let’s eat cake! Form a line around the cakes and make your way to cut a slice of cakes you want to try. Please be courteous and only grab an equivalent portion of cake to what you brought (i.e. if you brought a 16-slice cake, grab 16 equivalent slices).

  • ~3:45-4PM: Event close and clean up! If there are extra cakes, please grab as much as you’d like. We definitely don’t want to leave any cakes behind. We’ll take down tables, etc but feel free to continue picnicking and hanging out as long as you’d like.


  • A whole cake per person (Reminder: if you’ve invited others, they need to bring their own full cake or you can make additional cakes for them)

  • Cake knife and silverware

  • Picnic blanket

  • Additional tupperware to bring extra cakes home

  • Cake stand (or vintage books)


This event really blew up! As a part of organizing the event and preparing the materials for everyone, I’ve incurred unexpected costs. If you’d like to help out and make a donation to help, please Venmo me at elisasunga (last 4 digits are 6494). Any amount will really help and be greatly, greatly appreciated! Thank you! 🩶