Ready on the left,
Ready on the right,
Commence boodle fight!
Supper Club is welcoming the new year with a theme that is very, very close to the heart and home: Filipino food and served Boodle Fight-style.
On December 23, 2001 my brother, mother, and I arrived in San Francisco to re-unite with our dad right before Christmas. Fast-forward to today and that makes 18 years of growing up and living in the Bay Area. From the initial thoughts of “this is what America smells like” to becoming citizens - we’ve experienced both cultures in our own ways.
Through it all, our constants remain the same: our family unit, traditions, and love for food. This month we would like to share all of this with you. Let’s get together and share a table and feast full of flavors, meaning, color, and history for the Sunga family.
Lumpia, chicharron, itlog, atbp
Jeprox at tuyo
Chicharron bulaklak
Ginisang taba ng talangka
Gulay: okra, talong, sitaw, atbp
Sinangag na kanin
Adobong baboy at manok
Adobong kang kong
Inihaw na baboy
Hipon at pusit
Pancit canton
Suka, bagoong, bawang, sibuyas
Pandan at prutas
If you’d like to bring something and add to our feast above, some options: wine, drinks, fruits, fruits, fruits, any Asian-flavored ice cream, and/or any Filipino treat or dish that you can pick up from an Asian grocery store. Surprise us!